Vehicular ad hoc network is a very innovative approach for information traffic system derived from mobile ad hoc networks in which vehicles communicate with each other in different circumstances and for different purposes like to aware other vehicles from any accidental situation, to share media files etc. These networks are designed for drivers’ assistance and internetworks access. Vehicles navigate other vehicles through GPS and other data fusion techniques. VANETs have many applications for example they inform other vehicles about obstacles coming in their way through satellites, they clustered with other vehicles wirelessly and move like road trains and they inform drivers to apply brakes even if they are obscured by other vehicles. Security issues are mostly focused in vehicular ad hoc networks but they still requires more improvement. Previous studies have revealed that security and confidentiality is achieved through public key infrastructures, certification authorities and many other algorithms but somehow or the other reliability and availability aspects are affected. Some algorithms increase the delays and overheads, some increase the jitter, and some decrease the performance and throughput.
To address these deficiencies we propose a scheme that defines secure clustering algorithm which will not only make the system more reliable and available but also decrease overhead and delay and increase the performance and throughput of the system. The cluster head election will become faster with the stability in the cluster heads, less number of clusters will be formed. A dynamic demilitarized zone along with the certificate authority will be used in the algorithms for allotting proper rights to the cluster heads and nodes and for authenticating the nodes so the security of the system will remain intact and the overall availability and reliability will be achieved without damaging the security of clusters in less delays and overheads. Results show that the proposed scheme increases the overall security and makes the system more uniform.