Show simple item record Fatima, Mahnoor 2024-02-28T10:43:08Z 2024-02-28T10:43:08Z 2016
dc.identifier.other 00000115724
dc.description.abstract Aging is inevitable, A stipulation to life, A deterioration of physical and mental health, A state of helplessness and dependence. Serving all life with devotion and if it ends as a tedious routine, as a burden. It’s not justified. This project is a “Celebration of Life-time” An endeavor, providing a platform to Elderly, waiting for their valuable presence. Social isolation targets elderly the most. Elderly having a life time of experience and wisdom, after reaching a specific age, have no routine or activity in their life and so with time they become isolated. Coupled with their deteriorating health and increasing frailty they feel alone, Due to this they are unable to keep pace with the younger generation who are healthy and active. This causes for the elderly to become neglected members of society as they are not in power and are dependent on others for company, financial support and locomotion. The social networks, social support and everyday self-maintenance activities play an important role in their life. The aim of the project is to create a better future for this class. Life satisfaction, or the feeling that life is worth living, may be achieved through tasks in one’s life, accepting and sharing one’s experiences and leaving a legacy for the future generation. The basic idea of this project is to end the elderly isolation by interaction by making them interact with one another and people of different age groups taking part in activities of the center. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher (SADA), NUST en_US
dc.title Youth of Old Age en_US
dc.title.alternative A Soul Rejuvenating Nexus for The Elderly en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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