Show simple item record K H A N, S A R A H 2024-02-29T04:26:30Z 2024-02-29T04:26:30Z 2017
dc.description Supervisor: Ar Sikander Ajam Khan en_US
dc.description.abstract This thesis aims to create architecture devoted to water, through the tool of story-telling; a poem. This architecture serves as enjoyment to man, as he escapes his busy everyday routine to enjoy the lake view park. It becomes an extension of the Lake view park and Rawal lake by supplementing the existing recreation whilst providing a new type of recreation thereby adding to the existing culture. The architectural typology is a museum which has recreational and education accents to it. The architectural language chosen is colonial, this assists further in grounding the museum within the context by being a language that is understood by the residents of Islamabad and Rawalpindi; from where the user originates. The methodology behind the design of the museum stemmed from using a poem as a tool. This tool aided in the sequencing of space, alongside the creation of space by embodying each stanza, from beginning to end. Thereafter a critical overlook re-ordered and condensed the architecture. The end product of architecture; the museum of water sweeps up the user on the journey of water. The journey begins on a subtle note, that of the ascendance of a small drop of water. As one progresses, the story dips and rises in accordance with the emotions of water until it reaches its climax, in power, anger and fear immediately followed by the abatement of those emotions juxtaposed by happiness, and harmony; the boating dock; where families are flocking to, to enjoy the water of Rawal lake. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher (SADA), NUST en_US
dc.title By the Edge of the Lake en_US
dc.title.alternative Architecture Devoted to water en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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