Skill of making food is abundant in Pakistan but the art of innovating it requires its due attention. Culinary Arts like any other requires an entire process of thought together with acquiring the raw ingredients, the physical process of making and then letting the audience judge it by devouring it through the senses. My thesis focuses upon creating a culinary innovation and research center in a public park in Rawalpindi for the amateur cooks with a raw talent of culinary sense to explore the art of Culinary through its sensory impacts upon the user and Architecture hosting it. The Architecture itself manifests in multiple layers of educational learning and sociable experiences to create a dynamic balance between the two. The educational part being the private layer aims at providing a flexible interactive experience amongst the learners through self-exploration and experimentation along with providing functionally apt environments in order to learn to innovate in a team and individually. Food is celebrated through its sociability aspects as an act of performance for the public who are gathered to evaluate the products created by the learning chefs. It provides an intermediary layer of bringing the chefs directly in contact with outside world and get the responses right there in an interactive session between the creator and the audience, enhancing the food’s characteristics as an open public exhibitory Art and not just a skill. This entire process would ultimately enable the graduating chefs to have a good standing in the national as well as international market as creative individuals.