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The library Park - a landscape arch interface

Show simple item record Shamsi, Ana 2024-02-29T04:57:41Z 2024-02-29T04:57:41Z 2017
dc.identifier.other 135589
dc.description.abstract library has historically been recognized as an introverted, institutional space serving primarily as a repository of text-based data and knowledge. The advancement of technology, and access to a world of information within the easy swipe of a finger, however, renders the archetype of the library- as a building through which information was made accessible- a moot point. One of the biggest contemporary concerns, therefore, with regards to the library is the question of its future, and the role and importance of the typology moving forward in a world dominated by technology. The thesis project explores the creation of a literary forum/ library that reinvents the solitary nature of the typology into a more relevant model for contemporary use; rejuvenating it into a more inclusive public platform incorporating the various mediums of the written word, and their expression, as opposed to mere provisional access to books and knowledge. The motive is the expansion, and redefinition of the boundaries of the library typology by expanding its programmatic horizons, thus making it more susceptible to interaction and evolution. This is essential in the purpose of advancing the library as more than a store-house, becoming rather, a link in creation of debates and innovations, catapulting it into a pertinent position in the modern age. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher (SADA), NUST en_US
dc.title The library Park - a landscape arch interface en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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