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DAASTANGAH: Adapting the Architectural space of Miniature paintings

Show simple item record Rooshan, Nabeel 2024-02-29T05:07:22Z 2024-02-29T05:07:22Z 2018
dc.identifier.other 135303/ 0000115743
dc.description.abstract Miniature painting is a form of art that has been used to tell stories in our cultural context as far back as the time of the Mughals. An important part of the storytelling involved in this medium is its representation of architectural spaces. In this thesis, I will attempt to architecturally adapt how miniature paintings represent space and how it’s used to convey narrative. I will identify the main techniques used for architectural representation in miniature paintings, and how the geometry of these architectural spaces differs greatly when translated into 3-d. I will then use the local narratives of my site and the medium of miniature illustration to generate an architectural narrative, which will serve as a foundation for me to use the previously identified techniques to convert it into 3-dimensional architecture. The result of this thesis will be narrative focused architecture which utilizes the techniques of miniature paintings to convey its story. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher (SADA), NUST en_US
dc.title DAASTANGAH: Adapting the Architectural space of Miniature paintings en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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