It was a calm bright day and I found myself admiring the beauty of the woods that surrounded me. The sky covering the woods formed a canopy over my head, the dense foliage formed a magnificent sight. There was a gentle breeze creating the sound of rustling leaves that eventually fell on the forest floor and formed a thick spongy carpet to walk upon. Cutting through the woods is a spring, guarded by boulders and as I move closer to take a look, the pebbles and rocks at the bottom sparkle as they catch the sun beams. The variety amazes me, branches and spines of trees reaching frightening heights. Stretching from one point to another. Every leaf and every sound is unique. The sky will never be the same again, the stream will never contain the same amount of water for that day again. There is a meditative aspect attached to such a journey, where it allows your mind to rest, to be free and wander somewhere quiet. The tranquility and peace of the surrounding eases you to rest not only physically but mentally as well.