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HEX-O Fidget – Perceive – Illustrate A Smart Design Tool

Show simple item record Khan, Maham Zahid 2024-02-29T07:48:55Z 2024-02-29T07:48:55Z 2017
dc.description.abstract Every designer plays a fundamental role in shaping the society, from everyday objects to the behavioral patterns of people. Be it an industrial designer, architect, or an illustrator, every designer requires the right tools to work. The human mind relies a great deal on the tools it uses to create what it envisions in the mind’s eye. Even with the advent of most advanced technological tools, drawing, sketching and manual illustrations remain to be an integral part of the design process and the core of design discipline. This report details the work on Hex-o, a smart stationery gadget consisting of a modular marker pen, within the context of design tools for students and design professionals. The final concept and product features Hex-o as a tribrid of fidget toy, marker pen and Pico projector. Hex-o aims to make the process of drafting and sketching more efficient while giving a compact solution for a wider hue range of professional marker pens. With its fidgeting modular structure, it enhances the user experience, helping through creative blocks. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher (SADA), NUST en_US
dc.subject Smart stationery, Modular marker pen, Fidget toy, Pico projector, Design tools, Design professionals en_US
dc.title HEX-O Fidget – Perceive – Illustrate A Smart Design Tool en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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