Waste management is a critical issue worldwide with substantial implications for humanity. Idle dumping and the accumulation of uncollected waste are all made worse by the lack of adequately managed disposal facilities, which in turn worsens the problem. In Pakistan between 50 to 60 percent of overall total waste is collected and dumped in open landfills without effective management, posing serious threats to public health and the environment. Sustainable solid waste landfills that are up to par with international sustainability requirements are urgently required. To address the issue, this research utilized a Multicriteria Evaluation and Geospatial analysis approach to determine sustainable solid waste landfill sites by considering 17 distinct influencing criteria that fall under 4 broad categories Social, Economic, Environmental, and Engineering, District Peshawar was selected as a case study. The criteria were assigned weights by industry specialists using an Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) questionnaire and relevant data were obtained from pertinent authorities and reliable web sources. Obtained Data was processed using software tools like MS Excel and ArcGIS respectively. Weighted overlay analysis was performed on ArcGIS-processed data by utilizing AHP weights. Similarly, The Final suitability index map was compared with the Master Plan of District Peshawar and satellite images. Additionally, Ground truthing and Field visits were undertaken to determine the significance of potential landfill locations. The findings of the research demonstrate that the total area of Peshawar district possesses 5000 acres highly suitable for Landfill sites. Five nearly optimal Landfill sites were found in the southern region of Peshawar. The recommendations involve considering alternative multicriteria methodologies for comparison and conducting geotechnical and hydrogeological investigations by landfill design requirements to ultimately identify sustainable Landfill sites.