Considering Islamabad and mapping its rapid urban growth and consequent change in user dynamic, there arises a need to look towards abandoned built structures or buildings stopped mid construction as a result of financial constraints arising from the years long political instability faced by the country. To map the transition from existing design to intervention design, indicates an exploration of a mutually beneficial relationship between two vastly distinct symbionts, the process of symbiosis. Exploring the smooth transition through symbiosis becomes essential to introduce additive interventions to architecture caught in evolution, in doing so, also propelling architectural design and existing programmes into the future.
The Cultural Complex at Shakarparian, the site in consideration for this thesis was constructed to be a performance hall and based on the concept of symbiosis, the present-day equivalent to performance art is expression through the digital medium i.e., installations and gaming. Much like the site, there is little to no awareness of purpose-built spaces suited for the digital age that allows groups of people with common interests to congregate.
Considering an introduction of digital recreation activities as recreation of the future, there arises a need to root it into society, to build acceptance for it and use architecture as a tool to make the user aware of what the narrative from physical recreation to digital recreation truly represents and that these contrasting programs are indeed far more similar than they seem. Done by exploring additive interventions similar to adaptive reuse as a strategy to express symbiosis between two contrasting programs and creating a mutually beneficial relationship between the two.
Making use of a qualitative study approach to collect information because it facilitates exploration from several sources. A survey questionnaire has been conducted to assess user experience engaging with recreation spaces and digital media and what recreation users require in particular. Qualitative measures have also been taken to truly utilize the findings in adaptive reuse of the abandoned Cultural Complex at Shakarparian.
Hence, this thesis explores symbiosis, to incubate livelihood and represent through architecture, the journey from endurance to acceptance to continuity; to reinterpret typology, enhance user experience and propel design into the future. Therefore, it can be concluded thatadditive interventions to form a symbiotic space is essential to understanding these transitions and introducing recreation of tomorrow.