Climate change is adversely affecting our lifestyle. According to the Global Climate Index Pakistan is amongst top 10 countries which are most vulnerable to the impact climatic degradation will have on us. According to the data generated through Global forest watch by World Resource Institute in Punjab Lahore alone lost highest amount of tree cover area i.e. 53 ha during 2001- 2020. Increase in demand of energy resulted in increase of CO2 EMISSIONS. Architecture and buildings consume up to 52% energy use in Pakistan. Rapid urban sprawl and deforestation has contributed to damaging amount of smog and health problems in Lahore. It disrupts the natural ecosystem causing threats to the native flora fauna and contributing to climate change on a larger scale. This research aims to explore how architecture can contribute towards lessening the effects, educating masses and inspire people to contribute towards mitigating the environment degradation. This is something people need to be informed of and work towards lessening the negative impacts the destruction of ecosystems has already had on us. Passive design strategies help reduce the heating and cooling loads. This energy efficient center will work towards making people aware of current green initiatives, educating masses through experiential exhibition on flora, the journey of climate change and possible adverse effects it may have if we continue to ignore it. A research and education facility will also aid in practical implementation and community involvement in restoring the ecology and take part in green initiatives launched by The Ministry of Climate Change.