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Knowledge Enhanced Experience Reuse for Requirements Engineering Decision Support (KEEREDECS)

Show simple item record Ahmed, Ikhlaq 2024-03-15T05:04:33Z 2024-03-15T05:04:33Z 2014
dc.identifier.other 2010-NUST-MS PhD-CSE (E)-03
dc.description Supervisor Dr. Aasia Khanum en_US
dc.description.abstract Requirements insufficiency is one of the major contributing factors to software projects failure, indicating that Requirement Engineering (RE) process must be applied judiciously to improve requirements quality. Potentially, many activities can be performed during RE process, and each activity can be supported by several techniques. There is general consensus that RE activities and techniques should be customized to suit contextual features like project, process, product etc. Moreover, a holistic view of the process is needed while deciding the RE activities and techniques. Providing automatic support for fulfilling this need is a challenging problem due to non-deterministic and human-oriented nature of decision-making in the domain. The KEEREDECS framework proposed in this work is an automated approach that will makephase wise contributions to RE process. First, a context processing module is used to get project and techniques context parameters values and weights.Second,Fuzzy Case Based Reasoning (FCBR) technique from Artificial Intelligence is used to handle non-deterministic and context-sensitive decision-making with the help of experiential learning. Third, technique set generations module is used to involve the expert judgment to support decision making.The system can run autonomously or with expert involvement. Evaluation ofKEEREDECS indicates that the approach has a good potential to support for informed decision-making leading to better quality of obtained requirements en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher College of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering (CEME), NUST en_US
dc.subject Software Requirements Engineering, Decision Support System, Context Aware Techniques, Fuzzy Logic, Case Based Reasoning, Planning Systems en_US
dc.title Knowledge Enhanced Experience Reuse for Requirements Engineering Decision Support (KEEREDECS) en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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