Intelligent vehicles are advanced to that point that they can sense, gather, communicate and exchange information for vast areas due to their abundant resources and
large movement patterns. Vehicles can act as relay nodes to deliver data from one
end to another. This new emerging technology is also known as Crowd-sensing. In
crowd-sensing mobile devices such as modern vehicles are used to sense, collect and
deliver the information from one end to another acting as relay nodes or exchange
the required information in the absence of internet connectivity. However these relay
nodes act selfishly in nature to conserve their battery power, storage space, band width and other resources making them non-cooperative, due to which it effects over all network performance. In this paper we proposed a mobile crowd-sensing in VANETs
and considered the nodes selfishness. To deal with the problem of nodes’ selfishness,
we have proposed an incentive mechanism to encourage the nodes to cooperate in
opportunistic environment for data forwarding using vehicular ad hoc communication. After that we have done simulations using The Opportunistic Network Environment(ONE) simulator. The results shows that by handling the non-cooperative
selfishness of nodes network performance has improved.