Security is an important consideration when delivering information-aware messages
to vehicles that are far away from the current location of the information-sending
vehicle. This information helps the receiver to save fuel and time by making wise de cisions to avoid damaged or blocked roads. To ensure the safety and security of this
type of information using blockchain technology, I propose a new cognitive vehicu lar communication scheme to transfer messages from source to destination. The pri mary user (PU) makes a public announcement about a free channel to all secondary
users nearby and only gives it to authentic vehicles. The authenticity of vehicles is
guaranteed by a roadside unit (RSU) that offers secure keys to any vehicle that joins
this blockchain network. Those who participate in this network must pay a certain
amount and receive rewards for their honesty that exceed the amount spent. To test
the performance of various parameters, the proposed scheme utilizes the Ethereum
smart contract and compares them to blockchain and non-blockchain methods. My
results show a minimum delivery time of 0.16 seconds and a minimum overhead of
350 bytes in such a dynamic vehicle environment.