NUST Institutional Repository

Women’s Hub: A community Complex for Social and Economic empowerment of Women

Show simple item record Noorulain 2024-03-28T05:15:16Z 2024-03-28T05:15:16Z 2022
dc.identifier.other 226708
dc.description Supervisor: Sikander Ajam Khan en_US
dc.description.abstract “For a society to progress smoothly towards development, spaces for all members of society are important. Unfortunately, in Pakistan, women are excluded from the daily flow of the social spheres. There is a need for recreational, social and architectural hubs for women for the growth of our society.” Creating for a woman is not excluding other genders, but it becomes a space where anyone and everyone is safe! To urbanize for a woman is to nourish a society, to spread awareness and to achieve empowerment. Our cities and societies are filled with unwelcoming dark niches acting as dead spaces. There is a lack of connection within neighborhoods and a lack of bridge between different economic classes. The absence of these characteristics from our streets lead to disconnection in relations and livability. This project looks over these needs and provides a complex for the women of G-7/4 as a social and recreational hub that acts as a third place for women. A mixed use typology of built and unbuilt spaces constructed in a way to maximize safety, maintain open vistas and provide a recreational hub for women that will ensure growth and learning for all economic and social classes of women. The methodology adapted for research is both through qualitative and quantitative measures. The quantitative research is carried out through documented census, published articles and papers. The qualitative research is mostly carried out through cross studies, surveys and questionnaires. Which are then analyzed and evaluated to create solutions in a community hub for women. Through incorporation of nodes, axes and directionality the form is manifested into three masses. These masses are then morphed into each other curating division and connectivity. An emphasis is given on the ratio of covered/uncovered forms, permeability, and fluidity of space through techniques and materiality. Safety is not always provided through closed forms and shading techniques with lighting but can be worked upon by use of morphing of form. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher (SADA), NUST en_US
dc.subject Empowerment, Open Vistas, Directionality, Divide and Connect, Permeable, Fluid en_US
dc.title Women’s Hub: A community Complex for Social and Economic empowerment of Women en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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