Manufacturing industries are seeking for new high strength, lightweight materials along such
techniques and designs to optimally utilize these materials to produce quality and reliability in
their products while simultaneously reducing cost and weight of the products. Tailor Welded
Blanks (TWBs) employ such technique which exploits the advantages of localized strength and
less material consumption resulting into lesser part weight. TWBs are largely used in Body-inWhite (BIW) of all modern automobiles. Research was conducted on TWBs produced successfully
by manual TIG welding technique. Incremental Sheet Forming (ISF) is in practice with its several
variants using TWBs. Material selected for the study included deep drawing quality (DDQ) steel
(DC06) and stainless steel (SS) (AISI 201). Because of huge difference in both strength and
hardness values of DDQ steel and SS, low formability was achieved in case of strength differential.
Whereas formability achieved in the cases of same thickness and thickness differential were high
since strength and hardness values were not varied much. Process parameters also affect
formability to a fairly large extent. In case of same thickness, highest formability was achieved at
maximum feed rate but minimum speed. In case of thickness differential, highest formability was
achieved at minimum values of feed rate, speed and step depth. In case of strength differential,
highest formability was achieved at minimum values of speed and step depth. Percentage thinning
was used to assess formability achieved. Final thicknesses achieved during forming were verified
by Cosine law. TWBs is a complex phenomenon, as compared to finite element modeling of
monolithic sheets, which involves modeling of different zones generated due to the heat effect.
Single Point Incremental Forming (SPIF) was used as a forming technique for TWBs produced by
manual Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding and experimental outcomes were compared with
simulation results. FE software Abaqus® (Dynamic Explicit Solver) was used for the analysis with
variable wall angle truncated pyramid as test geometry and Isotropic plasticity model as material
model. Thickness profiles and state of stress and strain in all the cases were analyzed. A decrease
in thickness was observed at the corners in all the cases, whereas decrease was more prominent in
case of same thickness and strength differential. The symmetry of pattern on both sides with
minimum and maximum values of stress towards the thinner side was observed in case of thickness
differential. Variation in stress was more prominent towards the side of high-strength material
along maximum value in case of strength differential. Equivalent plastic strain observed was morexi
linear and higher towards the sides of thicker sheet and material having less strength in case of
thickness differential and strength differential, respectively. Research investigations may be
applied in similar fashion for precise study of formability characteristics of various kinds of TWBs
being used in multiple industries including automotive, vessel, medical, etc.