NUST Institutional Repository

Smart Road With Wireless Power Transfer Capability For EV’s

Show simple item record Supervisor Dr. Taosif Iqbal, Aftab Naseer Zeeshan Ali 2024-05-10T06:48:44Z 2024-05-10T06:48:44Z 2023
dc.identifier.issn DE-ELECT-41
dc.description Supervisor Dr. Taosif Iqbal en_US
dc.description.abstract The current state of battery technology for electric vehicles falls short in terms of energy density advancements, creating a need for a solution that eliminates battery dependency. Our project proposes a simple and scalable design that extracts energy directly from the road, offering infinite range for electric vehicles. This innovative technology, currently under development in Switzerland, utilizes resonated electromagnetic induction to transmit electrical energy to the vehicle. By addressing the challenges of heavy batteries, high carbon footprint, and time inefficiency, our solution aims to revolutionize electric vehicle power and enable widespread adoption. Implementing this solution requires collaboration among industry experts, policymakers, and researchers. With their support, we strive to overcome the limitations of current battery technology and contribute to a sustainable transportation ecosystem. Our ultimate goal is to provide a practical, efficient, and scalable solution that revolutionizes electric vehicle power, making clean and efficient transportation accessible to all. ” By harnessing the power of road-based energy extraction, we aim to pave the way for a future where high-power electric vehicles are seamlessly integrated into everyday life. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (CEME), NUST en_US
dc.title Smart Road With Wireless Power Transfer Capability For EV’s en_US
dc.type Project Report en_US

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