A variable AC to DC power supply converts AC to a Desired value of DC Voltage. Variable power supplies are mainly used in industries and labs for experimental purposes of different circuits which require different voltages and currents for their operation. Regulated and unregulated AC power supply are available. When the input voltage or load fluctuates, an unregulated power supply cannot maintain a constant voltage for the load, while regulated power supplies provide consistent voltage despite the change in input voltage or load applied. Linear power supplies are least complex but produce much heat, on the other hand Switching Mode Power supplies (SMPS) are much more complicated and cooler but create more noise.
This project is on the design, simulation, and implementation of a digitally controlled AC to DC power supply. This power supply has a maximum output current of 15A and a voltage range of 0 to 300V. The approach to achieve the goals will be to design an embedded system around an intelligent microcontroller. To regulate the output voltage, the microcontroller will send a pulse width modulated (PWM) signal. It will be a feedback system i-e the microcontroller will constantly monitor the output voltage and will change the PWM signal if the output voltage value is not matching with the desired value of the user.
The proteus is used to simulate this project. And after Successful simulation the circuit is fabricated on a PCB, and a final product is obtained