Battery management system and fast charging of lithium-ion battery are two parts of project. Battery management system (BMS) is used in main industrial and commercial systems to make battery operation more efficient and to keep the battery safe from any damage, to increase battery lifetime and its efficiency. For this battery management system is used to measure battery voltage, current, temperature, state of health and battery state of charge and battery life and its performance. In our project battery management system for electric vehicle is implemented. This system will be integrated with battery of electric vehicles and will evaluates and measure the battery temperature if it will get higher then specified value then will make action to keep temperature down, will measure voltage of battery its current, charging and discharging of battery. This system will keep battery safe from over charging and form over discharging and will determine the battery state of health (SOH) and battery state of charge (SOC). This all will be done by sensors which will monitor physical values and will give data in analog value after processing this data with the help of microcontroller the results will be displayed on LCD connected with microcontroller. Fast charging of lithium-ion battery is now applied in all industrial and commercial used lithium batteries especially it is used in electric vehicles. Fast charging of lithium-ion battery is done by keeping the battery aspects in control so that battery inner reaction may not be unhealthy. Fast charging is done by basically two techniques one is constant current and constant voltage method and other one which is now most modern method and fastest and save method is constant temperature and constant voltage method. We will apply most modern technique constant temperature and constant voltage method in our project. In this method we will change the current dynamically with change in temperature of battery, maximum current will be applied when battery temperature will not cross the specified limit. When battery thermal environment will exceed the specified limit then current will be decreased. In this way battery charging time of battery will reduce up to 25%. Other method which we will apply to decrease charging time is charging battery by pulses in this in dead cycle wave battery will have time to do inner reaction and, in this way, charging time will be decreased. All this will be done by microcontroller, a buck-buck converter and by applying buck boost converter. Therefore, this can easily solve the modern-day issues where we have lesser time to charge our devices and use them for a longer period of time