The Path Planning Stack of the Autonomous Electric Vehicle mainly consists of three main modules which includes Global Path Planning (Planning through GPS, Maps and making an interface as well), Behavioral Path Planning (Creating all the drivable scenario and Vehicle Maneuvers according to the road rules and situations). Local path Planning (it is responsible for the execution of the Maneuvers at the road). Firstly, for our Autonomous Vehicle, Global Path Planning is executed which is implemented through Graphical user interface (GUI) which is synchronized with jetson Xavier AGX via ROS nodes and Global path planning also finds accurate starting location using the global positioning unit (GPU), so the vehicle can easily localize its position and create waypoints till destination. Behavioral path planning module utilizes waypoints and implements all the possible scenarios which a vehicle can maneuver while following its path for e.g. taking a U-turn, maintaining safe distance from the lead vehicle etc. In last execution of the maneuvers is efficiently implemented via Local Path Planning module.