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Optimal System and Invariant Solutions of the Hyperbolic Heat Equations

Show simple item record Javed, Khadija 2024-05-27T08:07:47Z 2024-05-27T08:07:47Z 2024-03-12
dc.identifier.other 365205
dc.description MS-Math Thesis en_US
dc.description.abstract In this research study, we use the Lie symmetry analysis and the optimal systems of subalgebras that underlie it to study the invariant solutions to the nonlinear hyperbolic heat equation. Optimal systems of two specific cases for the equation are obtained. We apply an invariance method to determine the optimal set of non-similar symmetry generators for the nonlinear hyperbolic heat equation and present the results in a con venient tree leaf diagram. Complete symmetry reductions and the invariant solutions corresponding to each case are computed. Subsequently, a thorough analysis is pro vided, leading to a graphical representation of the solutions of non linear hyperbolic heat equation. en_US
dc.description.sponsorship Prof. Tooba Feroze en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher National University of Sciences and Technology H-12, Islamabad, Pakistan en_US
dc.title Optimal System and Invariant Solutions of the Hyperbolic Heat Equations en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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