The study examines the Quantum Fisher Information (QFI) of an atomic system with a
dissipation cavity and kerr-like medium present. We first develop the QFI formulae for
two different initial atomic states interacting with a dissipation cavity after developing
the basic ideas of quantum information theory, atom field interactions, and quantum
fisher information. The effects of the Markovian and non-Markovian environments with
weak and strong atom-cavity coupling on the dynamical nature of QFI have been studied.
Regarding the Kerr medium parameter of two atoms interacting with a single cavity
mode, the second scenario talks about QFI. The results indicate that there is a difference
in the peak values for the separable and partially entangled initial states for the Kerr
medium QFI. Additionally, the presence or lack of photons within the cavity has an
impact on it.