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Molybdenum Phosphide (MoP) Decorated Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs)forEnhance Hydrogen Evolution Reaction

Show simple item record Ayesha, Rehman 2024-06-07T07:35:57Z 2024-06-07T07:35:57Z 2024
dc.description Supervisor Name: Dr. Erum Pervaiz en_US
dc.description.abstract Recently, a significant interest in developing green and renewable alternate energy reserveshas been observed to address the energy and environmental crisis associated with utilizingconventional fossil fuels. Hydrogen (H2) production through water splitting has limitedcommercial applications due to the significant energy required for the favourable kineticsofthe reaction. Its high catalytic performance is a significant obstacle in developinganelectrocatalyst for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). In this respect, Hydrogenis aneffective energy carrier and has been recognized as a promising candidate for the futureenergy supply. Water splitting is a promising technology for producing H2. Implementinginexpensive water splitting systems and electrolyzers could lead to market compatible H2 fuel. Robust, efficient, and abundant catalysts are needed for the process to work favourably. Molybdenum Phosphide (MoP) has recently been identified as a promising family of earth-abundant electrocatalysts for the HER. It boosts diverse compositions and structures, favourable electronic characteristics, and high electrical conductivity resulting inlowoverpotentials at operationally relevant current densities while exhibiting stabilityunderstrongly acidic conditions. This study depicts the synthesis of MoP/CNTs hybridselectrocatalyst for HER. The improved MoP/CNTs hybrid catalyst made an exceptional HERelectrocatalytic performance with overpotentials of 81 mV at current densities of 10 mA/cm2 in an alkaline solution and its Tafel slope is 34 mV/dec. The electrocatalyst shows moderatestability for 24 h short of reduction in potential, indicating that the catalyst is stable for alongtime which is very economical for commercial usage. Electrocatalysts with a robust structure, high levels of catalytic activity, and a high degree of stability are in high demandbut challenging. Introducing Carbon Nanotubes during the high- temperature phosphatingprocessprevents particle clumping and makes the catalyst more conductive. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher School of Chemical and Material Engineering (SCME), NUST en_US
dc.title Molybdenum Phosphide (MoP) Decorated Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs)forEnhance Hydrogen Evolution Reaction en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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