Smart home systems are becoming more prevalent and popular in modern society, as they can
provide convenience, comfort, and efficiency to the users. The proliferation of the Internet of
Things (IoT) creates a network of interconnected devices generating va st amounts of data in real
world applications like smart cities, connected appliances, and supply chain management. This
growth necessitates addressing challenges related to data security, integrity, and regulatory
frameworks for emerging applications and integrations. Blockchain technology offers a potential
solution for securing and preserving user and data integrity in a decentralized manner.
Hyperledger Fabric, a permissioned blockchain platform, stands out for its open source nature,
modular architectu re, and high performance, making it a versatile tool for addressing these
concerns within the smart home IoT domain. In this thesis, a blockchain enabled architecture
based on Hyperledger Fabric is presented to address the data security and integrity chal lenges
associated with the smart home IoT. A new architecture is introduced to enable this integration,
and is developed and deployed, and its performance is analyzed in various scenarios. The
evaluation results demonstrate that the proposed solutions outp erform over the existing solutions
and is feasible and effective over the existing solutions.