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Chemical Conversion of Nitrocellulose to Value Added Product as Fertilizer Additive

Show simple item record Nasir, Muhammad Ahsan 2024-06-21T09:53:16Z 2024-06-21T09:53:16Z 2024
dc.identifier.other 00000429838
dc.description.abstract Nitrocellulose based propellants are the main ingredient of munitions specifically in smokeless powder which have their prescribed shelf life. Their shelf life mainly depends upon the type and quantity of stabilizer used during formulation. These stabilizers are not only capable to improve shelf life despite it can improve the efficiency and performance manifold. After expiry of the stabilizer contents their usage and storage are not recommended due to erratic behavior and thermolysis which may lead to autoignition. Auto Catalysis reaction taken place during their storage over a period of time render the propellants more sensitive which is not required for the as it not only damages the equipment but also stack holders can also be victimized. Presently open burning operations are being carried out for propellants disposal as a demilitarization technique which is unsafe, uneconomical and un-environmental friendly. Dozens of techniques have been developed or in developing stage to address these issues of disposal. Owing to the difficulties associated with the open burning the proposed technique of Alkaline Hydrolysis is suggested to be carried out to neutralize the energetic contents for their disposal. Moreover, neutralization results in chemical conversion of the nitrocellulose into a value-added fertilizer additive which have enormous agricultural applications. The paper will be unfolding with basic understanding of Nitrocellulose based single base propellants followed by the experiment’s methodology dwelling around the alkaline hydrolysis. Subsequently interpreting the characterization technique; Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) results along with application of the product through Pot Analysis. A strong alkaline reagent Potassium Hydroxide will be used for breaking the chains of cellulose nitrate polymer. Phosphoric Acid and Humic Acid would be used as additives to impart soil conditioning properties. The developed fertilizer subjected to pot testing for wheat and maize crops to assess the various aspects of agricultural application. The achieved results were encouraging which are scientifically supported. Statics were interoperated through ANOVA software to find out the deviation in replicates of each treatment by using a model of completely randomized design (CRD). en_US
dc.description.sponsorship Dr. Tayyaba Noor en_US
dc.publisher SCME,NUST en_US
dc.subject Propellants, Open burning, Alkaline Hydrolysis, Demilitarization, Analysis of significant variable (ANOVA) en_US
dc.title Chemical Conversion of Nitrocellulose to Value Added Product as Fertilizer Additive en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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