The agriculture sector of Pakistan accounts 18.9% to the GDP and the growth of this sector
depends entirely on the application of urea fertilizer. Around 70% of urea is lost by
volatilization, leaching, and runoff. The problem can be faced by the facilitation of a cost-
efficient and biodegradable slow-release fertilizer. In this project, rice husk coated fertilizer is
produced with biodegradable polyurethane as a binder. The pan coating machine was used
to coat the urea granules. These coating fertilizer products are thus compliant with the
European Union standard of 75% nutrient-release within 28 days of application. Moreover,
volatilization of ammonia was diminished by 50%-60% of coated fertilizer with not only the
mechanical strength tests for storing but also for transportation. The cost-benefit analysis
showed a profit of PKR 18,671 per acre for the farmer and at the same time a 64% reduction
in the nitrous oxide emissions into the atmosphere. In conclusion, coated fertilizers with
various nutrient output patterns will be made as per the needs of different crops. The
application of coated fertilizers in the field will also bring rewards in the form of profit to farmers
and human and environmental health.