With the evolution of seismic hazard knowledge and awareness, numerous seismic design
approaches have emerged in the last three decades as a response to mitigate discrepancies
in seismic forces and reduce vulnerability of our structures. The most simplistic and widely
used approach are linear seismic design methods given in different national building codes
including Equivalent lateral Force Procedure (ELF), Response Spectrum Analysis (RSA),
and Linear Time History Analysis (LTHA). These established methods are extensively
used for low to medium rise buildings with lesser seismic hazard. However, research in the
past three decades showed that there are many fundamental problems associated with many
assumptions of Forced Based Design (FBD) such as use of constant response modification
factor (R), use of fundamental period, elastic damping ratio of 5% in design which leads to
unrealistic capacity and demands in design. Past earthquakes like Northridge (1994) and
Kobe (1995) etc., exposed vulnerability of structures and highlighted discrepancies of FBD
approach. To overcome shortcomings in FBD, many alternative designs approaches based
on performance-based design were proposed. Direct Displacement based design (DDBD)
which is an offshoot of performance-based design became very popular in the past two
decades due to its rationality and simplicity. DDBD uses the calculated secant stiffness
instead of initial stiffness, equivalent viscous damping, and damping parameters etc.
Recently, numerous advancements in durable lightweight construction materials have
taken place which has impact on oscillation of structure due to reduction of mass when
incorporated as a construction material. However, the impact of the use of such lightweight
concrete on overall structural performance considering DDBD approach needs more
extensive research. In this study, a prototype 12-story building is designed through Forced
Based design methods such as ELF, RSA, LTHA followed by Direct displacement-based
design approach. To investigate the multiperformance designing capability, the building
frame is also designed for various performance levels given in FEMA 356 such as
immediate occupancy, life safety,