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Construction Management Fourth Edition

Show simple item record Daniel W. Halpin, Bolivar A. Senior 2024-08-22T13:52:33Z 2024-08-22T13:52:33Z 2011
dc.identifier.isbn 78-0-470-44723-9
dc.description.abstract This book has been used widely and has become a standard course text at many universities around the U.S. and abroad. The first three editions have enjoyed wide success as an introductory treatment of the subjects which are critical to success in the construction industry. This fourth edition preserves the features that have been well received by usersthroughout the years and adds new material suggested byinstructors and students through formal surveys and informal feedback to the authors. Construction Management requires high levels of expertise in a wide range of specialties. The analogy which has been cited in previous editions is that ‘‘ . . . a construction manager is like an Olympic decathlon athlete who must show great competence in a multitude of areas ranging from design of construction operations to labor relations.’’ Experience teaches that it is very important to understand how these various construction specialties relate to one another and which activities have priority in a given situation. On some days estimating and bidding are the controlling factors for job success. On other days, labor relations are the key to success. A thorough understanding of these topics is critical to being a successful construction manager. The construction professional has to be a ‘‘jack of all trades, and master of all.’’ This text covers a wide range of subjects, reflecting the breadth of knowledge needed to understand the dynamics of this large and complex industry. ORGANIZATION This text is arranged in relatively short chapters with well defined, self-contained scope. This strategy results in a compact and direct delivery of the intended material, easy to teach and read. Chapters are sequenced in the logical flow described below. Overall context. Chapter 1 (History and Basic Concepts) presents an overview of the construction industry, including a historical framework. Procurement and execution. Chapters 2 (Preparing the Bid Package) and 3 (Issues During Construction Phase) discuss the procurement and administration of construction projec en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher John Wiley & Sons, Inc. en_US
dc.title Construction Management Fourth Edition en_US
dc.type Book en_US

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