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Probability & Statistics for Engineers & Scientists Ninth Edition

Show simple item record Ronald E. Walpole, Raymond H. Myers 2024-08-22T14:04:19Z 2024-08-22T14:04:19Z 2012
dc.identifier.isbn 978-0-321-62911-1
dc.description.abstract Our emphasis in creating the ninth edition is less on adding new material and more on providing clarity and deeper understanding. This objective was accomplished in part by including new end-of-chapter material that adds connective tissue between chapters. We affectionately call these comments at the end of the chapter “Pot Holes.” They are very useful to remind students of the big picture and how each chapter fits into that picture, and they aid the student in learning about limitations and pitfalls that may result if procedures are misused. A deeper understanding of real-world use of statistics is made available through class projects, which were added in several chapters. These projects provide the opportunity for students alone, or in groups, to gather their own experimental data and draw inferences. In some cases, the work involves a problem whose solution will illustrate the meaning of a concept or provide an empirical understanding of an important statistical result. Some existing examples were expanded and new ones were introduced to create “case studies,” in which commentary is provided to give the student a clear understanding of a statistical concept in the context of a practical situation. In this edition, we continue to emphasize a balance between theory and applications. Calculus and other types of mathematical support (e.g., linear algebra) are used at about the same level as in previous editions. The coverage of analytical tools in statistics is enhanced with the use of calculus when discussion centers on rules and concepts in probability. Probability distributions and statistical inference are highlighted in Chapters 2 through 10. Linear algebra and matrices are very lightly applied in Chapters 11 through 15, where linear regression and analysis of variance are covered. Students using this text should have had the equivalent of one semester of differential and integral calculus. Linear algebra is helpful but not necessary so long as the section in Chapter 12 on multiple linear regression using matrix algebra is not covered by the instructor. As in previous editions, a large number of exercises that deal with real-life scientific and engineering applications are available to challenge the student. The many data sets associated with the exercises are available for download from the website en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Prentice Hall en_US
dc.title Probability & Statistics for Engineers & Scientists Ninth Edition en_US
dc.type Book en_US

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