We have attempted to prepare a fundamental as well as a practical soils
laboratory manual to complement our textbook Soils and Foundations,
also published by Prentice Hall [now in its seventh edition (2008)]. We
truly believe that this manual will prove to be extremely useful for the
beginning student in soil engineering. To back up this claim, we offer the
following helpful features of our book.
1. One of the major features is the simple and direct style of writing,
which will, we believe, make it easy for the user to understand.
2. We have included for each chapter an introduction that includes
a “definition,” “scope,” and “objective” for each experiment. This should
give the reader an initial understanding of what he or she is attempting
to do and for what purpose.
3. We have included one (or more) numerical examples together
with each test in every chapter. These are completely worked examples,
showing step by step the computations required for the analysis and
evaluation of the test data collected. Charts and graphs are also
included, if needed. Thus the reader has access to a completely worked
example to study prior to and after performing the test and will know
better what is to be done and how.
4. In addition to presenting step-by-step computations, we have
provided data reporting forms and necessary graph papers for most tests.
These forms and graph papers provide a convenient means of recording
test data, carrying out required computations, and plotting required
curves as well as displaying the test results. At the end of each chapter
blank copies of all such forms are included for the user. Blank copies of
all needed graph papers are included at the end of the text. The appropriate graph paper for each experiment can be photocopied as needed.
5. We have used a convention, which we have not seen before, of
presenting all data collected during a test in boldface type. All other
values (primarily computed values) are presented in regular type. This
convention is used throughout the numerical examples. We believe this
feature will be extremely helpful to the reader, as it will always be obvious