dc.description.abstract |
Great effort was devoted to enrich and update the third edition of this most successful transportation engineering textbook. The book has been restructured to provide a better fit into
undergraduate curricula and a better progression between engineering and planning topics.
The entire book has been organized into four sections:
1. Design and operations
2. Transportation systems
3. Transportation impacts
4. Supporting elements
Several of the topics in Parts 2 and 3 are appropria~.:: for senior-level transportation-courses
and introductory graduate courses.
Some notable additions include congestion quantification and management strategies, extensive coverage on intelligent transportation systems, random utility discrete
choice modeling, land-use modeling, an exclusive chapter on traffic software, and coverage
of HCM 2000, traffic calming, roundabouts, Superpave, TEA-21, and other contemporary
We are most appreciative of the many instructors and departments who have chosen
to use this textbook for their transportation classes making it one of the most popular textbooks worldwide. We believe that this edition will be even more helpful in providing comprehensive, unbiased, state-of-the-art knowledge of transportation engineering and
planning. We are looking forward to your continued support-and, as always, we welcome
your comments and suggestions for improvements.
C. S. Papacostas wishes to thank the Oahu Metropolitan Planning Organization
· (OivtPO) and its Executive Director, Gordon G. W. Lum. for the opportunity to serve as
technical director for OMPO's Jand~use and transportation model development during the
second half of the I 990s. The wide range of perspectives brought to the table by the project's peer review' group (PRG), project consultants, and Joca!and state agency staff helped |
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