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Introduction to Programming with Java

Show simple item record Jhon S. Dean, Raymond H. Dean 2024-08-27T11:08:57Z 2024-08-27T11:08:57Z 2008
dc.identifier.isbn 978–0–07–304702–7
dc.description.abstract In this book, we lead you on a journey into the fun and exciting world of computer programming. Throughout your journey, we’ll provide you with lots of problem-solving practice. After all, good programmers need to be good problem solvers. We’ll show you how to implement your problem solutions with Java programs. We provide a plethora of examples, some short and focused on a single concept, some longer and more “real world.” We present the material in a conversational, easy-to-follow manner aimed at making your journey a pleasant one. When you’re done with the book, you should be a profi cient Java programmer. Our textbook targets a wide range of readers. Primarily, it targets students in a standard college-level “Introduction to Programming” course or course sequence where no prerequisite programming experience is assumed. In addition to targeting students with no prerequisite programming experience, our textbook also targets industry practitioners and college-level students who have some programming experience and want to learn Java. This second set of readers can skip the early chapters on general programming concepts and focus on the features of Java that differ from the languages that they already know. In particular, since C++ and Java are so similar, readers with a C++ background should be able to cover the textbook in a single three-credit-hour course. (But let us reiterate for those of you with no programming experience: You should be fi ne. No prerequisite programming experience is required.) Finally, our textbook targets high school students and readers outside of academia with no programming experience. This third set of readers should read the entire textbook at a pace determined on a caseby-case basis. Textbook Cornerstone #1: Problem Solving Being able to solve problems is a critical skill that all programmers must possess. We teach programmatic problem solving by emphasizing two of its key elements—algorithm development and program design. Emphasis on Algorithm Development In Chapter 2, we immerse readers into algorithm development by using pseudocode for the algorithm examples instead of Java. In using pseudocode, students are able to work through non-trivial problems on their own without getting bogged down in Java syntax—no need to worry about class headings, semicolons, braces, and so on.1 Working through non-trivial problems enables students to gain an early appreciation fo en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher McGraw Hill en_US
dc.title Introduction to Programming with Java en_US
dc.title.alternative A Problem Solving Approach en_US
dc.type Book en_US

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