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Handbook of Engineering Hydrology

Show simple item record Saeid Eslamian 2024-08-27T13:28:39Z 2024-08-27T13:28:39Z 2014
dc.identifier.isbn 978-1-4665-5244-9
dc.description.abstract Hydrological and ecological connectivity is a matter of high concern. All terrestrial and coastal ecosystems are connected with water, which includes groundwater, and there is a growing understanding that “single ecosystems” (mountain forest, hill forest, mangrove forest, freshwater swamp, peat swamp, tidal mudflat, and coral reef) that are actually the result of an artificial perception and classification can, in the long term, only be managed by a holistic vision at the watershed level. It is essential to investigate ecosystem management at the watershed level, particularly in a changing climate. In general, there are two important approaches: 1. Adaption to hydrological events such as climate change, drought, and flood 2. Qualitative and quantitative conservation of water, thereby optimizing water consumption The Handbook of Engineering Hydrology aims to fill the two-decade gap since the publication of David Maidment’s Handbook of Hydrology in 1993 by including updated material on hydrology science and engineering. It provides an extensive coverage of hydrological engineering, science, and technology and includes novel topics that were developed in the last two decades. This handbook is not a replacement for Maidment’s work, but as mentioned, it focuses on innovation and provides updated information in the field of hydrology. Therefore, it could be considered as a complementary text to Maidment’s work, providing practical guidelines to the reader. Further, this book covers different aspects of hydrology using a new approach, whereas Maidment’s work dealt principally with classical components of hydrologic cycle, particularly surface and groundwater and physical and chemical pollution. The key benefits of the book are as follows: (a) it introduces various aspects of hydrological engineering, science, and technology for students pursuing different levels of studies; (b) it is an efficient tool helping practitioners to design water projects optimally; (c) it serves as a guide for policy makers to make appropriate decisions on the subject; (d) it is a robust reference book for researchers, both in universities and in research institutes; and (e) it provides up-to-date information in the field. Engineers from disciplines such as civil engineering, environmental engineering, geological engineering, agricultural engineering, water resources engineering, natural resources, applied geography, environmental health and sanitation, etc., will find this handbook useful. Further, courses such as engineering hydrology, groundwater hydrology, rangeland hydrology, arid zone hydrology, surface water hydrology, applied hydrology, general hydrology, water resources engineering, water resources management, water resources development, water resources systems and planning, multipurpose uses of water resources, environmental engineering, flood design, hydrometeorology, evapotranspiration, water quality, etc., can also use this handbook en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group en_US
dc.title Handbook of Engineering Hydrology en_US
dc.title.alternative Fundamentals and Applications en_US
dc.type Book en_US

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