T hist.ext is an introduction t.o Linear Algebra suitable for a course usually offered at
the sophomore level. The .materlal is manged in three parts. Part 1 consists of what
I regard as basic mat.erial-discussions of systems of linear equations, veer.ors in
Rn (including the concepts of linear combination, basis, and dimension), mattices, linear
transformations, determinants, eigenvalues, and eigenspaces, as well as optional applicati.ons. Part 2 builds on this material t.o discuss general vector spaces, such as spaces of matiicoordinate
ces and functions. It includes topics such as 1he rank/nullity 1heorem. inner products, and
.representations. Part 3 completes the course wi1h some of the important ideas
and methods in Numerical Linear Algebra such as ill-conditioning, pivoting, LU decomposition, and Singular Value Decomposition.
This edition continues the tradition of earlier editions by being a flexible blend of theory, important numerical techniques, and interesting applications. The book is arranged
around 29 core sections. These sections include topics that I think are essential t.o an introlinear algebra course. There is then ample time for the instructor to select further
topics that give the course the desired flavor.
Eighth Edition The arrangement of topics is the same as in the Seventh Edition. The vect.or space R", subspaces, bases, and dimension are introduced early (Chapter 1), and are
then used in a natural, gradual way to discuss such concepts as linear transformations in R"
(Chapter2) and eigenspaces (Cliapter 3), leading to general vector spaces (Chapter 4). 'Ihe
level of abstraction gradually increases as one progresses in the course-and the big jump
that often exists for students in going from maJrix algebra to general vector spaces is no
longer there. The first three chapters give the foundation of 1he vector space R11; they really
form a fairly complete elementary minicourse for the vector space Rn. The rest of the course
builds on this solid foundation.
Changes This edition is a refinement of the Seventh Edition. Certain sections have been
rewritten. others added, and new exercises have been included. The aim has been to improve
the clarity, flow, and selection of material. The discussion of projections in Section 4.6, for
has been rewritten. The proof of the Gram-Schmidt Orthogonali7.ation process