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Geotechnical Engineering: Principles and Practices of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering

Show simple item record Murthy, V.N.S 2024-08-27T14:31:53Z 2024-08-27T14:31:53Z 2001
dc.description.abstract his boo k has the following objectives: 1. T o explain the fundamentals of the subjec t from theor y to practice in a logical wa y 2. T o be comprehensive an d mee t th e requirements o f undergraduate students 3. T o serve as a foundation course for graduate students pursuing advanced knowledge in the subject There ar e 21 chapters i n this book. The first chapte r trace s the historical background o f the subject and the second deals wit h the formation and mineralogical compositio n o f soils. Chapter 3 covers th e inde x properties an d classification of soil. Chapters 4 and 5 explain soi l permeability , seepage, an d th e effec t o f wate r o n stres s condition s i n soil . Stresse s develope d i n soi l du e t o imposed surfac e loads , compressibilit y an d consolidatio n characteristics , an d shea r strengt h characteristics o f soi l ar e deal t wit h i n Chapters 6,7 , an d 8 respectively. Th e firs t eigh t chapters develop th e necessary tools for computing compressibility an d strength characteristics o f soils. Chapter 9 deals with methods fo r obtainig soil samples in the field for laboratory tests and for determining soi l parameter s directl y b y us e o f fiel d tests . Chapter s 1 0 to 2 0 dea l wit h stability problems pertaining to earth embankments, retaining walls, and foundations. Chapter 2 1 explains the various methods by which soil in situ can be improved. Many geotechnical engineers hav e not appreciated th e importanc e o f this subject . N o amoun t o f sophisticatio n i n th e developmen t o f theories will help the designers if the soil parameters use d in the theory are not properly evaluated to simulate field conditions. Professors wh o teach this subject should stress this topic . The chapters i n this book ar e arrange d i n a logical wa y for th e development o f th e subject matter. There is a smooth transition from on e chapter to the next and the continuity of the material is maintained. Each chapte r starts with an introduction to the subjec t matter, develops th e theory, and explain s it s applicatio n t o practica l problems . Sufficien t example s ar e wo r1:ed ou t t o hel p students understan d th e significanc e of the theories. Man y homewor k problem s ar e give n a t the end of each chapter . The subjec t matte r deal t wit h i n eac h chapte r i s restricte d t o th e requirement s o f undergraduate students. Half-baked theorie s an d unconfirmed test results are not developed in this book. Chapter s ar e up-to-dat e a s pe r engineerin g standards . Th e informatio n provide d i n Chapter 1 7 on drilled pier foundations is the latest available at the time of this writing. The design en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.title Geotechnical Engineering: Principles and Practices of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering en_US
dc.type Book en_US

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