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Preserve Integrity of Authentic Digital Islamic Assets Using Corda Blockchain

Show simple item record Arshad, Hafiz Kamran 2024-09-09T07:06:06Z 2024-09-09T07:06:06Z 2024-09-09
dc.identifier.other 00000431931)
dc.description Supervised by Associate Prof Dr. Shahzaib Tahir en_US
dc.description.abstract My research introduces a novel technique for ensuring the integrity of authentic digital Islamic data assets e.g. Quran Pak, Hadees Shareef, and Fatwa over the cyber space. My study explores various information hiding techniques and proposes the adoption of advanced blockchain technology, specifically Corda Blockchain, for the protection of data integrity. Through a thorough comparative analysis, my paper evaluates capabilities of Corda blockchain against Ethereum. Highlighting its advantages in delivering robust and efficient data integrity solutions. My approach aims to address existing gaps in digital asset protection by leveraging blockchain's secure and transparent framework. Which safeguard the integrity of authentic digital Islamic content. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Preserve Integrity of Authentic Digital Islamic Assets Using Corda Blockchain en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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