dc.description.abstract |
This ninth edition of the classic textbook, Fluid Mechanics with Engineering
Applications, continues and improves on its tradition of explaining the
physical phenomena of fluid mechanics and applying its basic principles in the
simplest and clearest possible manner without the use of complicated
mathematics. It focuses on civil, environmental, and agricultural engineering
problems, although mechanical and aerospace engineering topics are also
strongly represented. The book has been written to serve as a text for a first
course in fluid mechanics for engineering students, with sufficient breadth of
coverage that it can be used in a number of ways for a second course if
Thousands of engineering students and practitioners throughout the world
have used this book for over 80 years; it has now moved into its third
generation of authorship. Though this ninth edition is very different from the
first edition, it retains the same basic philosophy and presentation of fluid
mechanics as an engineering subject that was originally develbped by Robert
L. Daugherty over his many years of teaching at Cornell University,
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and the California Institute 6f Technology.
The first edition, authored by Professor Daugherty, was published in 1916
with the title Hydraulics. He revised the book four times. On the fifth edition
(fourth revision) he was assisted by Dr. Alfred C. Ingersoll, and the title of
the book was changed to Fluid Mechanics with Engineering Applications. The
sixth and seventh editions were entirely the work of Professor Franzini. Listed
as the senior author of this ninth edition, Franzini had been a student of
Daugherty's at Cal tech and had received his first exposure to the subject of
fluid mechanics from the fourth edition of the book. Professor Franzini
enlisted the services of Professor Finnemore, a former student of Franzini's at
Stanford, to assist him with the eighth 'edition. This ninth edition is the work
of Dr. Finnemore, with the exception of Chapters 15 and 16, which were
written by Dr. Franzini |
en_US |