As the renewable energy is an increasing part of energy mix of many countries. Energy
production accounts for a large portion of greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to
climate change. Currently, energy production in many parts of the world still relies on fossil
fuels. In order to prevent global warming, energy must shift from existing conventional
sources to the Non-conventional sources. Renewable energy systems are safe,
environmentally friendly and can meet our energy needs. The hybrid renewable energy
situation demonstrates that various combinations of Non-conventional sources of energy
could utilize simultaneously, providing energy in the form of grids supporting transport
battery storage as backup systems. In this paper, the site location of Nooriabad was
selected, and the average seasonal load demand, which is approximately (100-300) kW per
month, was calculated. The technical and economic analysis was conducted using
MATLAB/SIMULINK and Homer Pro software. This wind and solar modules, a fuel cell,
BESS, a hydrogen tank, an electrolyzer, and an inverter based Microgrid system has 187
MWh power production in summer, and the total annual unmet load is 1945 kWh/yr. The
presented system’s Total Net Present Cost and LCOE is approximately $2.9 million and
$0.1518/kWh, respectively. Its Present Worth is $6,580, and its Annual worth saving is
$253. Wind and Solar power considered as the main direct energy sources for transporting
and charging the battery bank when there is a large number of generations. To evaluate the
benefits of hybrid power plants, we analyze many important factors such as the
combination of energy sources of the two technologies that make up hybrid power
generation sysrems, the increase in electricity production due to limited capacity and the
increase in energy consumption. During the design process of this electrical installation,
simulations and optimizations were carried out based on electrical loads, weather data,
electrical economics of electrical devices and other disadvantages that NPC had to consider to reduce options.