The anthropogenic shifts in the climate have triggered an unprecedented rise in climate
extremes which have impacted millions of lives and caused trillions of dollars’ worth of
damage. The climate drivers that cause these high impact events are usually spatially or
temporally compounded. These compound climate extremes are extreme events that occur
simultaneously, in close succession or due to drivers that are not implicitly extreme but
become extreme when combined. The impact depends on the vulnerability and exposure
of the stakeholders that define the risk. Compound climate extremes are exemplified
through hot-dry such as compounding heatwaves and drought or hot-wet extremes such as
compounding heatwaves and extreme precipitation. Pakistan is not a new to the occurrence
of heatwaves and extreme precipitation however, the compounding of these extremes is a
relatively novel field of study.
This study aims to identify the spatial and temporal existence of coincident heatwaves and
extreme precipitation events, and sequential heatwaves and extreme precipitation events at
meteorological stations across Pakistan. The study objectives are to detect and quantify the
occurrence of extreme weather events i.e. heatwaves and extreme precipitation, and
compound climate extremes by employing daily observational datasets for daily maximum
temperatures (˚C) and precipitation (mm). The data is obtained for 47 meteorological
stations across Pakistan for the period of 38 years, 1980 to 2017. The study is conducted
based on the 95th percentile thresholds of daily maximum temperature and precipitation
data at each station to classify heatwaves and Extreme Precipitation events. The
classification is done using formulas based on scientific definitions using Microsoft Excel
2019. The events occurrence is quantified for both extremes in Microsoft Excel 2019 and
visualized through spatial extrapolation in the form of GIS Maps created using Inverse
distance weighted (IDW) interpolation in QGIS. Extreme events are considered
coincidently compounding if they occur on the same day and are considered sequentially
compounding if extreme precipitation occurs within 7 days of the occurrence of a heatwave
The analysis finds the occurrence of 24 coincidental and 166 sequentially compounding
heatwaves and extreme precipitation events in Pakistan from 1980 to 2017. The study finds
that the coincident heatwaves and extreme precipitation events are restricted to the
northeastern and northwestern stations of Pakistan, and northeastern stations of
Balochistan; these stations are characterized by wet days, high precipitation rates,
elevation, and adjacent to mountain ranges. Sequentially compounding heatwaves are
spread throughout Pakistan in addition to these stations. All events are the highest in
number in the submontane monsoon dominated zone followed by Western Highlands zone.
The higher occurrence can be attributed to an increase in evaporation resulting from
heatwaves which leads to these compounding extremes. This highlights the orographic
uplifting assisted quick convection and moisture convergence at elevated stations for
creating the conditions for coincident heatwaves and extreme precipitation events. While
convection takes time at stations with lower elevations due to slower convection resulting
from a lack of orographic uplifting and from moisture absorbance in the soil due to aridity.
Moreover, the findings depict that sequentially compounding extremes have increased in
the latter half of the study period at the southern stations of Punjab due to increase in
extreme precipitation events and their intensity at these stations.
These compounding extremes are especially high risk as compared to isolated extreme
events because of the smaller gap between their occurrences which leaves little to no time
to respond. Moreover, these events not only cause heatwave associated morbidities and
losses and damages, but also lead to pluvial and flash flooding. The occurrence of these
events especially in southern provinces, as depicted by the study, highlights the potentially
high risk of impact as a consequence of the large population, underdevelopment, pervasive
poverty, social inequalities, and crippling infrastructure which increases the exposure and
vulnerability of the people to such events.
The study is novel and the first of its kind as it analyzes the occurrence of compounding
heatwaves and extreme precipitation events using the historical temperature and
precipitation data. The study also highlights the specific regions where compounding
climate extremes are prevalent. This research is significant to climate knowledge and can
be helpful in climate risk assessments in terms of hazards along with contributing to the
local planning and development for addressing these risks in the future to build resilience.