This research explores the dynamics of community resilience and transformation in post-2022
following flood-induced resettlements in rural areas of Charsadda district, Pakistan, a region
recurrently impacted by the adverse effects of climate change driven floods. The primary
objectives of this research are to identify various forms of flood-induced displacements and to
analyze their consequential impacts on the safety and physiological needs of displaced
communities. Additionally, the study examines the processes through which these communities
develop resilience and undergo transformation. This study utilizes the foundational levels of
Maslow's hierarchy of needs—physiological and safety needs—to assess community
vulnerabilities, while applying the Social-Ecological Resilience Theory to explore how
ecosystems demonstrate resilience through their interactions with human societies. By adopting a
qualitative research methodology, this investigation involved conducting face-to-face interviews
with members of several resettled communities in rural areas of Charsadda district of Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province. The interview questions were organized around the different types
of displacement experienced, exploring the intricate relationship between environmental
disasters and socio-economic vulnerabilities. The study also probes the psychological effects of
displacement, including trauma, loss, and adaptive coping strategies, and assesses the structural
and communal mechanisms that contribute to resilience. The findings uncover a complex
landscape of resilience and transformation, characterized by the interplay of traditional
knowledge, community solidarity, and external support. These elements collectively facilitate
adaptation and recovery within the affected communities. This research underscores the pivotal
role of effective policies and support systems in enhancing the resilience capacities of rural
communities in KP. It emphasizes the need for comprehensive disaster management strategies
that not only provide immediate relief but also promote long-term community empowerment.
Such strategies are essential for fostering sustainable development and resilience in the face of
increasing climate-related challenges.