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Enhancing Metaverse Security through ZK-SNARK Protocol

Show simple item record Zahid, Nabeeha 2024-10-11T05:27:13Z 2024-10-11T05:27:13Z 2024-10-11
dc.identifier.other 00000401600
dc.description Supervised by Professor Dr. Shahzaib Tahir en_US
dc.description.abstract The metaverse is growing rapidly, providing new ways for people to interact and engage in virtual activities. Metaverse smart contracts are crucial for managing digital assets, but as the metaverse expands, so do security concerns. It's essential to find effective methods to protect users' privacy and ensure data integrity. This research focuses on using a special technology called Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments of Knowledge (zk-SNARK) to enhance the overall security of the metaverse environment. Zk-SNARKs are a cryptographic technique that allows users to prove the validity of their actions without revealing any private information. This ensures high levels of privacy and confidentiality. Our study explores how integrating zk-SNARKs into the metaverse can strengthen security measures. We review existing research to understand the current security challenges in the metaverse and examine previous efforts to develop privacy-preserving solutions. We propose a framework that uses zk-SNARKs to enhance the security of the metaverse environment. This involves incorporating zk-SNARK technology to verify actions securely and protect digital assets. We evaluate the performance of our solution by measuring its effectiveness in improving privacy, efficiency, and scalability. By focusing on this innovative application of zk-SNARKs, our study offers new insights into securing the metaverse and presents a promising approach to making virtual interactions safer and more trustworthy for users. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Enhancing Metaverse Security through ZK-SNARK Protocol en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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