I honor you for picking up this book. In doing so, you have made the decision to love more deliberately,
more joyfully and completely. You have decided to live your life by choice rather than by chance, by design
rather than by default. And for this, I applaud you.
Since Writing the two previous books in The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari series, I have received
countless letters from readers who saw their lives change through the wisdom they discovered. The
comments of these men and women inspired and moved me. Many of the notes I received also encouraged
me to distill all that I have learned about the art of living into a series of life lessons. And so, I set about
compiling the best I have to give into a book that I truly believe will help transform your life.
The words on the following pages are heartfelt and written in the high hope that you will not only
connect with the wisdom I respectfully offer but act on it to create lasting improvements in every life area.
Through my own trials, I have found that it is not enough to know what to do – we must act on that
knowledge in order to have the lives we want.
And so as you turn the pages of this third book in The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari series, I hope you
will discover a wealth of wisdom that will enrich the quality of your professional, personal and spiritual life.
Please do write to me, send me an e-mail or visit with me at one of my seminars to share how you have
integrated the lessons in this book into the way you live. I will do my very best to respond to your letters