Crowdsourced software development (CSSD) serves as an evolutionary problemsolving platform that operates within a distributed environment, combining humanintensive work with machine computation. CSSD is getting great deal of attention in
software practitioner and researchers due to its promising functionality and flexible
working mechanism. Despite being a favorable environment, CSSD platform offers
challenges including ineffective decision making on task selection, unjustified price
allocation, and task completion uncertainty. In practice, no intelligent mechanism
exits for task selection and award money assignment process for any CSSD platform,
rather, rule-of-thumb or intuition strategies are employed, leading to biasness and
subjectivity. Effort considerations on crowdsourced tasks can offer good foundation
to combat these challenges but are not much investigated. Conversely, Software development effort estimation (SDEE) is a well-established field in traditional software
engineering practices, aiding efficient resource and cost management. While SDEE
is a prevalent domain in software engineering, its exploration is limited to in-house
development and while for open-source or crowdsourced platforms requires further
SDEE domain is largely facilitated by Ensemble effort estimation (EEE), comparatively providing stable results across diverse contexts. The EEE performance is
significantly influenced by hyperparameters composition of solo ML learners and
individual predication’s weights. Hence optimization of hyperparameter and weight
assignment is crucial in ensemble learning. EEE literature lacks in investigating the
impact of optimization in both perspectives (i.e., hyperparameter tuning and weight
assignment of single ML techniques) and explored by few researchers. Additionally,
selection of an appropriate search space for optimization is an essential but often
overlooked aspect of hyperparameter optimization. Considering the need of effort
estimation in the field of CSSD, this study aims to conjoin the accuracy of optimized EEE with a typical CSSD platform, to estimate crowdsourced task’s effort
for justified task selection and pricing mechanism.
In this dissertation, CSSD platform is investigated from the perspective of three
major software crowdsourcing phases: Design, Development and Testing. Datasets
are defined with highly relevant, phase-centric features encompassing crowdsourced
designing, development and testing perspective. TopCoder is selected as target
CSSD platform, given its rising popularity among both software engineers and the
research community.
An improved ensemble effort estimation framework is established for CSSD platform by proposed Metaheuristic-optimized Multi-dimensional bagging scheme and
Weighted Ensemble (MoMdbWE) approach. The proposed scheme combines the effectiveness of optimization in two perspectives: hyperparameter optimization and
optimized weight learning in ensemble. Firefly algorithm (FFA) is selected as optimization algorithm in this study for its promising results of fitness in terms of
MAE. The study employs three base algorithms—Random Forest (RF), Support
Vector Regression (SVR), and Neural Network (NeuralNet)—due to their recurrent
application in SDEE literature and superior performance. The MoMdbWE approach
is achieved through a novel method named Multi-dimensional Bagging (Mdb), which
involves the division of the search space for the three base algorithms. FFA is employed to determine the optimal hyperparameters for each division, followed by the
FFA weight optimization to construct a Metaheuristic-optimized weighted ensemble (MoWE) comprising individual multi-dimensional bagging schemes. Proposed
MoMdbWE framework is implemented on aforementioned TopCoder datasets and
evaluated using error metrics (MAE, RMSE, MMRE, MdMRE, Pred), standard accuracy (SA), effect size, and the Wilcox statistical test. The results are compared
against solo base algorithms, state-of-the-art homogeneous and heterogeneous ensembles. Notably, the MoMdbWE scheme outperforms solo learners by 80%, 97%,
and 90% in the Design, Development, and Testing datasets, respectively. Similarly,
it surpasses homogeneous ensembles by 75%, 97%, and 91% across the datasets,
while in heterogeneous ensembles 70%, 20%, and 47% improvements are observed.
The assessment of performance reveals the effectiveness of proposed approach as
it validates the significance of crowd sourced datasets applied in the study along
side the selected features and their suitability for training ML-based EEE model for
TopCoder platform. This approach holds potential for practical application in the
crowd sourced context for task selection and pricing.