For economic development energy is the basic requirement while Pakistan is facing severe
energy crises. Addressing energy crises by renewable energy technologies is not only
environment friendly but it will also decelerate the depletion of fossil fuel resources.
Meanwhile Pakistan is the 6th most fortunate country in the world that is receiving highest
solar insolation from which around 2.9 million MW electricity can be generated. Parabolic
Trough Solar Thermal Power Plant (PTSTPP) is a solar power to electricity conversion
technology which is cost effective for large capacity systems, higher solar insolation and
large waste land availability while Pakistan has abundant waste land where Direct Normal
Irradiance of greater than 7 kWh/m2 is received against the 5 kWh/m2 which is thought
for PTSTPP to be economically feasible.
This thesis presents the feasibility of 30 MW PTSTPP for the location of Multan using
TRNSYS software. The economical and sensitivity analysis is also carried out using
RETScreen Software which shows that PTSTPP is a competitive option in electricity