The manner of walking style of a person is called gait. Gait analysis hasn’t been taken serious, despite serious health issues are arising related to Gait. Gait measurement is carried out only in certain hospitals, by specific doctors and using specific machines, & only serious issues are tackled. Also the gait analysis is very expensive, that not everyone can get it tested. Already present gait measurement devices are heavy and big machines, or the doctors measure it manually.
We are going to give one solution to all of the above problems by making a Wearable Gait Device. User will wear it on his leg/shank. The device will analyse the gait of the person, do some signal processing, calculate gait parameters and give a real time feedback to the user through Bluetooth app. The data will be stored in a database. With the passage of time, if gait parameters (like step height, walking speed, leg spin angle, etc.) are getting worse or better, it will prompt a message to the user in the mobile app.
This report will give you an insight about the work we have done in order to make the Gait device. We will start with some introduction. The designing of such a device which is very important, but not available was our main motivation. Selection of hardware like nRF52832 SoC and MPU-6050 IMU was a good decision. They will be discussed in detail.
The current available techniques aren’t affordable by everyone, so we have tried to make the gait analysis device available to everyone making it very economical and easy to use.
We first designed a firmware for our SoC. The firmware consisted of two main parts, i.e. one being reading data from IMU and process it, and second to use Bluetooth to send it to Mobile Phone Application. We finally designed our own hardware (Gait device) and a mobile app to display the gait parameters received from the device.