NUST Institutional Repository

EVnav+(Electric Vehicle Smart Navigation and Charging Station Deployment)

Show simple item record PROJECT SUPERVISOR DR. Wasi Haider Butt, NS Ali Hassan Abid NS Muhammad Moiz Alvi NS Syed Muhammad Ali NS Waqar Ali Ahsan 2025-01-28T06:51:21Z 2025-01-28T06:51:21Z 2022
dc.identifier.other DE-COMP-40
dc.description PROJECT SUPERVISOR DR. Wasi Haider Butt en_US
dc.description.abstract With the increase of climate change and depleting fossil fuel reserves, implementation of electric technology in the automotive industry is gaining traction. As a result, countries all over the world are working towards building efficient charging infrastructure and auxiliary equipment to assist this step towards complete removal of internal combustion engines from our roads. With the development of electric vehicles (EVs), optimization of charging station facilities is a growing concern. The major issue/drawback of EVs is the amount of time it takes for charging and there is a huge research and market gap in this domain in Pakistan. Our vision is to help reduce queues and delays at charging stations by optimizing the selection of station for each user. This paper outlines the development of a complex software that works towards improving the charging time and making the navigation towards a charging station more efficient for the consumer. Our app decides which charging station is optimal based on availability of station, charger type of EV, battery level of EV, range of the vehicle in the said battery level, and the distance and time it takes from the user’s current location to the charging station. Also, our project helps predict the optimal location for the deployment of new charging station based on EV's data of a certain area. This is done using three major applications: User App, Admin App, and Super Admin App. We aim to help bring innovation in electric vehicle technology in our country and ease its use for the consumer for a cleaner and greener Pakistan en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (CEME), NUST en_US
dc.title EVnav+(Electric Vehicle Smart Navigation and Charging Station Deployment) en_US
dc.type Project Report en_US

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