Cloud based home automation project is automation of home, using cloud computing. Cloud computing is on demand services including storage, virtual images of the operating system and the other resources required for the computation having ubiquitous access.
The major benefit of using cloud computing is to provide centralized storage with “security, real time complex computation” which normally requires some latency in personal computers. Keeping these points in view, for the sake of making the home appliances accessible round the globe 24/7 by utilizing Microsoft Azure cloud.
Previously there has always been a hassle of controlling the home appliances manually either by manually operating them or seeking help of some other person to do this job. But now the scenario has changed.
In the new era of technology all worries are faded away after the introduction of automation.
In order to achieve the goal of remotely controlling the appliances (smart and non-smart devices), This project is partitioned into three parts • Front-end user interface • Website programmed in React Node Js. Responsible for the connection between the front end and azure services. • Azure cloud • For the assistance of using the services required for this project including o Azure Active Directory: - Providing the identity services to our project o Cosmos Database: - Real time data base for storing the appliances data, states in real time o Azure Web Service: - For deploying the web application and making it available to users o Azure Iot-Hub: -For interfacing the “smart home hub” to Azure • Smart home Hub • Hardware based solution for controlling the appliances including o Non-smart home appliances o Smart home appliances o Wireless Non-Smart appliances