Currently there exist very limited approaches to handle public digital data with-in Pakistan. There is need to monitor public data (let say public health data from hospitals) to generate meaningful insights after performing analysis to make predictions about disease so that prescriptive steps should be taken out to control spread, we have witnessed devastating situations caused by COVID19. Once this data is collected and analysed properly, we can save many lives. There is lack of data driven decision making in Pakistan. Though now Pakistan has started collecting digital data, but it is important that AI and data analytics tools should be built for decision makers to make effective decisions based on data.
Our proposed framework will in general be capable of continuously analysing data coming from different healthcare facilities to DataMart, using advanced AI and ML approaches primarily we want to do prescriptive AI accompanied by descriptive and predictive AI. Our customers would be ministries from health care for this domain. As it is generic platform, we are extending it to other sectors as well because underlying algorithms are same. So similar engines can be utilized for crime/supply chain analytics. We have taken assumption that data is already compiled from a data mart in csv format.
We shall be licensing it to ministries. They will be paying for license fee only. However, focus is to help developing countries to improve their processes and using IT to face calamities such as spread of diseases. Framework like this can help countries to make better decision for healthcare or related areas. Specially in Pakistan these tools are very critical, we encounter many disasters such as dengue, polio, which has been eliminated from world. So, data driven frameworks are required to monitor and mitigate such occurrences