NUST Institutional Repository

Daycare Management and Parents Mate

Show simple item record PROJECT SUPERVISOR DR. AHSAN SHAHZAD, NS HAMZA FAISAL NS AREEJ YASEEN PC RABIA MAHMOOD 2025-01-28T07:13:51Z 2025-01-28T07:13:51Z 2022
dc.identifier.other DE-COMP-40
dc.description.abstract Childcare facilities around the world are not satisfying enough for parents which has led them to sacrifice their work opportunities to look after their children. Pakistan has an estimated amount of 1500 daycare centers, but they are not providing any efficient and reliable communication mechanism for the children and parents. Our project focuses on the use of technology to provide a management system for the staff to handle the daycare activities efficiently as well as a mobile app for parents to better monitor the activities of their children and communicate with the teachers when they are at work. Currently no such software exists in Pakistan to the best of our knowledge so it will be the first of its kind here. This project comprises of a web application management system that is built on Ruby on Rails framework, PostgreSQL database to manage the records of staff, children and parents, and a mobile app for parents which will be used for communication, activity log and portfolio of children, bills and payment records that will be shared among parents and teachers. The web application will be accessed by the staff of daycare centers while the mobile app is designed for parents and teachers. Through our project we hope that daycare centers can provide facilities according to international standards. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (CEME), NUST en_US
dc.title Daycare Management and Parents Mate en_US
dc.type Project Report en_US

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