RMS review management system enable students to submit FYP and supervisors to evaluate FYP. Previously on paper evaluation was done on paper and there were no checks to break conflict of interest. In this system Roles and logins will be given to faculty members. One faculty members can have more than one role at a time and can switch role. Students have their separate console where they can see consultation hours of supervisors, previous projects details, viva schedules, download files and submit FYP proposal. Proposal can only be submitted by the student if he/she has consent of supervisor. After submission FYP proposal appears in supervisor login, he reviews proposal and submit. FYP Coordinator makes committees for Internal Evaluation and External Evaluation of projects. All committee members are notified via emails and these committee members can evaluate project from their logins by using the role of Evaluator. During this whole cycle supervisor keeps records of meetings with students of each project and at the end only those projects will appear for final external viva who have complete recurring report signed by their supervisors and HoD. Reviews by every committee is sent to each member of project including supervisor via emails. After final evaluation lists are generated by the system for result preparation. The purpose of this document is to provide comprehensive requirements and goals for the RMS. This document helps the reader to visualize the intent of the developers and how they expect the program to run and react to input from the users. This document is the documentation and report of the project that was made during the final year of the degree. It will also include a set of use cases that describe interactions the users will have with the software. Finally, this document will also be referenced during implementation and testing of the final system, to be performed at a later iteration.